Tuesday, August 20, 2019

That Selective Indifference...

Why this impermanence in relationships
that selective indifference we see slowly creeping into our lives
treasured bonds no longer there for keeps
where gently nurtured relationships, harmonious and full of love
seem to drift off the window into a world of nothingness

Existence itself becomes clothed in callous pragmatism
practical, driven perhaps...but inhumane nevertheless
lifestyles turn callous, even brutal, shrouded in cold indifference...
the genuine glee bought about by impromptu visits and unplanned
meetings, at suddenly seeing loved ones at our doorstep, 
all seem to be a sentiment of our past...familiar perhaps, to only generations of yesteryear

Hearts still claim to care; we assert that love is very much there
then why have we lost what made us wholesome and humane
that which gave us our caring identities we were so proud of possessing...
that generosity we possessed with never an expectation...
I urge you therefore...do strive to revive these relationships
and rebuild these breaking bonds
for without them we cease to exist as human beings