Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The Mediterranean Blues

Blue sky's,  Bluer waters 
Spotless landscapes 
Simplified lives 
All needs met 
Recession hurts …just, mildly 
larger pleasures opt out for smaller ones 

They hear about 
But feel not the tribulations of the third world 
A world where 
Every effort is a struggle 
bringing with it despair & dejection 
Making every triumph a much worthier achievement!  

It is my familiar ground 
My world 
Where sorrows reap bounty harvests 
& existence becomes therefore 
More meaningful 
So I ask myself 
What am I doing here, In this foreign land


  1. So I ask myself
    What am I doing here,
    In this foreign land ........
    Wonder if all NRIs have this feeling.

  2. Doubt it-but then that's what makes some of us different! :)
