Monday, November 21, 2011


Love-something we cannot ignore
then why so much expectation
from the people we love the most?

For with love comes
tolerance, acceptance and
without us knowing,
a great deal of

Come on, lets start again
Lets bridge the wall we form
each time we expect of
each other

Let us heal this
world , so full of unhappiness
with cheer & compassion
Let us begin to love again.
-Nimo N.Menon

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Happy Birthday to our precious Prahlad...

A very happy Birthday,
to my Son,
my Elder one.
Am so proud of you
Proud of the high standards
you set for yourself
proud of what you have achieved
in all of your 23 years!

As you step into the 24th,
I must remind you
to go easy my son
there is a
lifetime to live
A lifetime to achieve
what you have set
eyes on!
Live life day by day
take time off
for that stroll
through a garden
with a dear friend,
for the hike you
never got round to do,
for those lyrics you
put off composing,
& for that tune
you never got to strum.

Find time to lend a helping
hand to the needy
Speak a word of kindness to the
old & weary
& extend tolerance to those
who know less
than you.
Live, Love & Laugh
My son,
For you deserve that
most of all!
& be patient.
The best is yet to
Love you so much

Finally, something I read:
'Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets
So love the people who treat you right
& forget about the ones who don't.
And believe that everything happens for a reason...
If you get a chance-take it;
If it changes your life- let it.
Nobody said it would be easy
They just promised it would be
worth it!'
love you lots!!

Happy Birthday to our precious Prahlad,
We wish you success, happiness-for if anyone deserves it, its surely you!
God Bless,
Lots of love,
Achan & Amma

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Abey’s Abode…Tampa, Florida:

Note 10:
We arrived at the warm, sunny state of Tampa in the west coast of Florida on the 16th of October. The day was sunny enough but seeing the rail clouds hovering at a distance, I knew we were in for rainy days. Day 2 & 3 turned out to be wet-with incessant rains, yet with the sun popping out every once in a while to assert its position! We were quite happy to stay indoors-at Abey’s Abode-gorging on the wonderful food she had made for us. The delicious Cuppa (tapioca) & Meen (fish) curry & Malabar Chicken biryani took us all the way back home- to God’s own country.
Amidst her hectic work schedules, Abey took us to the Madeira Beach, described on net, as lying ‘on the gulf of Mexico, an island 2 miles long and a smile wide’! Such a perfect description!
So though we never went for any Bay Dinner Cruises or visited any Contemorary Art , History or Science Museums that Tampa is famous for, we were comfortable & felt well cared for ; and carried with us the memory of our visit to the comprehensive Salvador Dali Museum during out previous two visits!
Thank you Abey, Thomas & Christian for being as warm & welcoming as ever! We left for Pittsburgh feeling well rested & rejuvenated!
-24th Oct.’11

And the gusty winds whistled on… Michigan Ann Arbor-with Sid!

Note 9:
Wow! Listening to the whistling winds I sit beside the closed window at the hotel room, while Sid & his father sleep away a cold and rainy Saturday morning! Strong but pleasant sounds of whistling winds along with the rustling of leaves fill my senses Yes, the feeling is good!
We arrived in Michigan Ann Arbor on Wednesday, 12th Oct. The day was beautiful & sunny. The next two days were partly cloudy, partly sunny; the Fall leaves still clung on to the trees in brilliantly blazing shades of coppers, burnt siennas, reds & yellows. On Saturday however, dark clouds filled the skies and rain fell softly-lazily all day long. And the gusty winds whistled on; cold winds which blew gently at times, & fiercely at others. And the leaves began to fall. I actually captured this on lens-a tree with its naked crown-bereft of all its grandeur on the top and brilliant below! I wished then that Autumn would stay on just a little longer!
Read a very apt verse last night-it’s a must share, so here goes:
"October gave a party; The leaves by hundreds came-The Chestnuts, Oaks, and Maples, And leaves of every name, The Sunshine spread a carpet, And everything was grand, Miss Weather led the dancing, Professor Wind, the band.”-George Cooper.

Michigan Ann Arbor is a larger University Township than Pittsburgh, with wider roads, and many parts of it reminded me of Delhi, where I spent my childhood and school years. Sid and his roommate have a lovely little home in Northwood. Done up just sufficiently, so that they do not get totally distracted from the very purpose of their stay in Ann Arbor! They cooked their meals together, and shared the chores. I left for Florida with a feeling of peace - and prayed to God to look after my sons, to bless them and guide them through all their future endeavors.
Finally, here's a meaningful quote to mull over:

‘…the winds will blow their own freshness into you, the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves…’ - John Muir, the Scottish-born American naturalist, author, and early advocate of preservation of wilderness in the United States.)

So, until the next time friends, it’s Adios & Vaya con Dios, from me!
-18th Oct.'11

Cathedral of Learning,Nationality Rooms ,Dining out, Luncheons...

Pittsburgh Notes: (8)
Cathedral of Learning, Nationality Rooms , Dining out, Luncheons & beautiful Autumn Leaves…
Last Thursday, we were up early as Malini Rao had offered to take us to the Cathedral of Learning, a dramatic Gothic Revival Tower with its Internationally renowned Nationality Class Rooms ; It was really wonderful to know that this was a major exercise to integrate the Nations of the world, a long, long time ago. It was built between 1926 & 1937, during the peak of the Depression, with contribution from the children of Pittsburgh & people, the world over. A historic landmark,it is the second-tallest education building in the world—42 stories and 535 feet tall. It is also the geographic and traditional heart of the campus. We went into to some of the 27 Nationality Classrooms but missed the Indian & Russian rooms where classes were being conducted. However we saw all the rooms very clearly in the beautiful Audio visual presentation,close to the exit.The vast garden surroundings of the Cathedral of Learning was very beautiful too.
With our new found friends, Veerendra Rao & Malini, we went for a delectable, absolutely scrumptious meal at Saturday night to Nakama Japanese Steakhouse & Sushi Bar-a hip, trendy, upscale dining place at South Side.Their knife wielding chefs are reputed to make the best tasting hibachi grilled chicken & seafood this side of Pennsylvania-& whats most surprising, within minutes! A treat from Prahlad, hence we relished it all the more!
For Sunday lunch we met up with Murli & Rameshwari at the recently re-vamped Taj Mahal restaurant-a very nice experience indeed.
Enjoy the pictures, & à bientôt mes amis!
12th Oct.'11

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Psychedelic Rock or whatchumaycallit Musical Highs, High school girls hockey, Boys football & FALL, yesss… again! & this time at Carnegie Melon:

Pittsburgh Notes: (7):
Pittburgh, Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh. Just when I think that I've seen all that's good in you-that's when I realise 'hey, but there's still more of you to experience!' Will I ever tire of you?! Perhaps never!
And was'nt I worrying just the other day that my son was not doing anything non-nerdy anymore?Well guess what? We went out for dinner to the home of very lovely people, The Rao's,who we had to meet as they were friends of very dear friends of ours from Chennai. At their home we chanced to meet some really interesting families & best of all, Prahlad actually got to playing their electric guitar after ever do long! (he never ever finds time to play his own!) He was his psychedelic best, though I understood little; only recognised Led Zeppelin & later Clapton's 'Stairway to Heaven'!! Was mighty pleased that everyone enjoyed his music. Rohit, Malini's younger son joined him and they sounded good together!
The next morning we went driving around the Schenley Park, a daily destination for university students; we drove past the Phipps Conservatory and walked down the pathways breathing in fresh air. The leaves on the trees here, were slowly turning into shades of breathtaking rust, orange and red. A truly exhilarating experience.
The following evening, on our coffee round, we went to the Carnegie Mellon Campus to see fall in full bloom , an experience which never ceases to amaze me! Some undergraduate students were playing Americal Football. It was an interesting game. A little like Rugby, yet perhaps even more aggressive! Okay, I admit this would not come anywhere near the actual experience of witnessing a real game at the Football stadium, but it was an experience nevertheless! Driving back a few days earlier we chanced to see some school girls playing a game of hockey in their school grounds, & we stopped by to get a feel of the fun & fervor. I do hope you enjoy the pictures I took with my not very specialised sony digital camera!

So long till next time...keep chill until then. Love & good cheer from Pittsburgh comin' your way! 10th Oct.'11

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Eat Outs, place visits,photo shows,ice cream parlors amidst son’s hectic schedules! –ssigh!!

Pittaburgh Notes:(6)
Hi again. Now this seems quite a while since my last note. Life has been happening all the same-no day has gone by unnoticed & without making its presence felt! :)
Father arrived Sunday & now Prahlad is hosting the 2 of us & it sure seems right & good!! Especially the feeling that our son goes to work & we stay at, that’s when I realise just how fast the years have flown by! Prahlad is busier that ever! When he is not working on his PhD research, he is working as a teaching assistant for Grad. students at CMU & juggling in between, his role as Founder/CEO of Quant MD (Quantitative Medical Diagnostics) & managing the company's affairs, guiding the Interns who work for him, & mentoring students of the CMU Class of CS in their SW engineering studio project....& the list goes on & on! When at home he is working all the time-I actually need permission to have a discussion with him-comprising often, never more than a few words! His father is luckier-so often I resort to the via medium! Then Friday & Saturday nights, he meets up with friends which is more than fine with me-cos he so desperately needs to relax. I therefore have been filling my days, in order that I am secure with being alone, doing my own thing! Now that Narayan is here, things are surely different & I have company!
Sunday nights have been devoted to Lee, Dough & Dara-we have dined the Cheesecake factory, two Thai restaurants, Coriander India grill, Taj Mahal, Tamarind, Mint , Mercurio’s Gelato on Walnut Street & so on! Its been fun. Lunches with friends like Durga, Lee & Jayne…have added to the fun ‘n flavour!
On Saturday, 24th Sept, lunched with friends at the Point Brugge Café Inc., a European Restaurant at Hastings Street, Point Breeze. It was especially nice as there were varieties of Salad & Seafood! I enjoyed every bit of the meal & the company of Malini, Heidi, Doris, her son and fiance-we had a blast! We then went to a unique coffee shop nearby, named, hold your breath-'Make your Mark Art Space & Coffeehouse’ where we saw a Photography Show by a photographer named John Ubinger, who had just travelled to India, from the Himalayas, Himachal Pradesh, Sikkim to Calcutta, Delhi, Agra, Benare, & Rajasthan, for months on end. Enjoyed his frames of pictures from dewdrops on leaves magnified, to the sun rise behind the Himalayas & enchanting sunsets , while sipping my favorite Cappuccino, preferred 'not too dry'! A very interesting day-after which I rushed home, dressed appropriately and headed for the Community Centre close to home,to reach in time for the Sai Bhajans, & all ready to sing one too! So you can see, Pittsburgh is getting the best out of me!

Do check out John’s; his photography is truly worth a view.
& Guys, don’t forget to check out my pictures of the fall foliages-still my favorite part of my visit this time!
Thursday, 29th Sept.’11

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Of Temples, Trees, Flowers & things...

Pittsburgh Notes: (5)
Visited the Sri Venkateswara temple Sunday, with Prahlad & his colleague. Its hard to describe what I felt as I entered the temple to the chants of familiar shlokhas sung in unison-it would probably suffice to say that it transported me to an entirely different level of consciousness. As I waited for the “Deeparadhna”, standing in prayer before Padmavati Devi’s vigraham & later, while having a beautiful darshan of Lord Venkateswara I felt a strange feeling of peace, a sense of finding your own, I hate to say this, in another man's land. It really transported me back home to the temples I have visited through the years, at Tirupathi, Madhura Meenakshi, Rameshwaram & Guruvayur…. in my country. With tears in my eyes, I prayed fervently that my children be looked after in this foreign land, a prayer that has been on my on my lips for some time now.

We then went to the Udupi restaurant nearby for lunch, following which we returned home. On the way back , I thought thoughts. Unrelated to this beautific experience. But thoughts nevertheless.
Why is it so very difficult for people to tell you they care for you, when you as well as they know that they really care? Confused you,have I? Read it again! Well, I have never really ever understood that. Cos I believe if they tell you, then they will never have regrets later in their life, should they never get another chance. Its funny, but I don’t remember regretting not having cared for anyone let alone not letting them know that I cared. I have always done that. Even if I was certain that they did’nt reciprocate my feelings-& that’s putting it gently. Just read in the ‘Tequila & Salt ‘ email Alka just sent me ‘The only reason anyone would ever hate you, is because they want to be just like you!’-now that explains it all ! & like I told you, these are just thoughts. Forget I ever mentioned it. :)

Let me now get onto happy topics. Autumn fast approaches with it beautiful colors of fall foliages- the trees are gradually changing colour into lovely rusts, orange and even red leaves-oooh its beautiful, and its happening! Heard Fall when it happens in toto is actually even more beautiful in Ohio. Am posting some pictures of ‘Temples, Trees, Flowers & things’… Happy viewing! 20th Sept ’11

Old Friends, New Beginnings...

Pittsburgh Notes: (4)
Hello there! Life hurries by, seasons change and Pittsburgh is still the place for me! Its growing on me-and I am beginning to feel comfortable here. One thing for sure I have this feeling i have been sent here by the higher power up there, in order that I de-stress-so I have to make sure that happens; and what better place to de-stress, I tell myself. I have to admit thought, that I miss waking up to birds chirping at Moksham; I miss seeing colourful birds near the waterfall, I miss sipping my cup of coffee hearing the lazy sound of water unhurriedly trickling down the rocks & stones which make up the waterfall. These wonders in my life, gotta admit, have had a therapeutic effect on me, while at Moksham.
A few weekends ago, I met up with an old schoolmate, C.V.Rameshwari, who was a dear friend during my 7th, 8th & perhaps 9th standards at DPS, Mathura Rd, Delhi, & who is now a Child Psychiatrist here. She invited Prahlad & me over and we met up with her family. It was indeed a very nice experience. She mentioned that I was just the free spirit I was so long ago-and hey presto, that became the title of my next literary 'masterpiece'; yes it got me thinking, analysing-was I really the same? 'Free Spirit' defined -one who is not restrained, as by convention or obligation; a nonconformist ...yea, I guess that's me! :) Except, I realised my obligation to my family goes beyond my free spirit! & so I wrote…
Shortly after landing here, I was wondering how I would go to the Departmental stores to pick up what i need to run a home-and just out of the blue, a wonderful & gracious lady, Lee who I met at the Sai Bhajans, offered to take me shopping. Now, we meet ever so often and Hey Presto! I got around to doing all that I had to for Prahlad & his home.My life has become a lot easier therefore; I realised, surely these are just some of the small miracles in my life!
Friends like the Vijay Sai's, Lee, Durga & Vasu has been God-sent to guide & help Prahlad in the initial 2 years he was here. We will be eternally grateful to them.
I shall end this note with pictures taken with the Vijay Sai’s, CV, Lee & family .Happy viewing! Keep smiling & Hasta mañana!-Sunday, 18th Sept ‘11

“A friend is one that knows you as you are, understands where you have been, accepts what you have become, and still, gently allows you to grow.”
-William Shakespeare

Weather problems!

Pittsburgh Moments...
Pittsburgh Notes: (3)
Yet another ‘crazy weather’ day in Pittsburgh. Just yesterday it was a nice, warm, 20 degrees C or, as they say here 68 degrees F. And early this morning it was cold - just 6 degrees C (44 deg Farenheit )!! I remember the fluctuation in temperature was the same in April/May this year & last year, when we were here! Tell me this is not a new happening and but don’t give me that one on natural calamities & weather tantrums being caused due to global warming, ozone depletion, environmental freak outs or forest fires cos I ain’t gonna buy that! Whatever,am not prepared to listen.This is positively wierd. 0 degrees one minute and the next minute a freaking 15 degrees - & yes I am talking Centigrade this time-& no,no conversion again, do it yourself buddy! :)))
But then again, I wonder why am I complaining. I love the cold. And as long it does'nt get the miserably hot 35 degrees (yes Centigrade!) it was the Saturday before last, its fine with me. But then if it gets sub zero, I would have to worry about my reumatoid arthritis flaring up. Lets worry about it then , right? Yes. Lets take each minute for what its worth-hot or cold! Lifes pretty much like that anyway!
Watched Baseball last Saturday at the PMC Park , Florida Marlins vs Pittsburgh Pirates, PMC Park- okay, okay Pittsburgh lost, but then Baseball is a new game for one such as I & hence an experience. No hard feelings! Attatched are some random pictures. Enjoy. Do note the sleeveless t-shirt which turned into a leather jacket in a matter of hours! - Friday, 16th Sept ’11

Its Coffee time Folks!

Pittsburgh Notes: (2)
Now for some Coffee. Yes , my daily fix craves attention & why not?! 4.30 pm is just the time to take that short walk to Starbucks at Craig Street. My usual walk for an honorable cause! Along with me comes the latest book I am reading (my little one does’nt believe me when I tell him that my speed of reading increases a hundredfold when I am out of Moksham!) & my new ipad Narayan presented me on my birthday-just so that I keep my brains running-trying hard to use this yet-another new contraption and also cos he is tired of me lugging my laptop and paraphenalia around!
My favorite coffee shops in Pittsburgh include besides Starbucks of course, The Coffee Tree Roasters, at Walnut Street, a very upmarket & happening area of Shadyside. Prahlad’s home is in Shadyside-an area I find among the best livable in Pittsburgh, with trees, and lots of greenery. Then there is that Kiva Han Coffee shop across the road from Starbucks on Craig Street but kinda intimidated by the flower power generation which haunt the café-feel safer across the road! So that’s enough proof about the limitations in my free spirit! I also visit the Starbucks at the Barnes & Nobles store (Waterfront) where, given an opportunity, I love to browse through books.
Best of all, did you know that coffee is the average American’s prime source of anti-oxidants which prevent cell damage. Coffee in moderation (2 cups a day) is good-& best of all it stimulates creativity as it speeds up the body’s functioning ; and in addition to this creative boost it also provides the mental & emotional clarity you need.
So guys, fix yourself that cuppa coffee & get that all emcompassing fix! Right no
-Thursday, 15th Sept '11

Friday, September 16, 2011

'Smile & the world smiles with you...'-S.G.West

Pittsburgh Notes: (1)
Hi! The mood is good. Love the way life moves forward while at Pittsburgh. It could be because there is no stress. Well no major stress ie., :) People here sure look preoccupied in their own thoughts, their own world, but one thing for sure. Most of them don't need to swear, no matter what. They often have a tolerant, understanding smile if something goes wrong for someone, or if someone happens to goof up, while on their path. People pass each other and smile, straight from their heart. Believe me there so much in life worth smiling about. So often, you find people just smiling at themselves, at their own thoughts perhaps. Yes,surely, the mood is good here. Wednesday, 14th Sept.'11

Monday, September 12, 2011

The Free Spirit

Despising controls, she stands tall
Free as a bird
Her vision becomes reality
With not a care in the world
Save for her children,
her family, their home.
She loves every minute
of her freedom
Be damned those who don't approve

Conventions suffocate her
Controls take away from
the beauty of existence
A non-conformist
She sets her limits
Not to be questioned
Doing all that she loves
Her passions set aflame
In the brightest of colours
She lives life to the fullest
& thrives on her free will.

And yes, she is wise
Her obligation to her children
Transcends her free spirit
She sacrifices
She gives in
She triumphs
She strives with
Single minded focus
She emerges the winner!

She lives through her children
All what she could not do
All what she could not be
She has her own aspirations
all drawn out well
& her dreams materialise
She guides her children
to set their goals
on their road to glory
Yes,she is that
truly free woman

Sunday, September 11, 2011

My son, My little one…

My son,
My little one…
on your birthday
this is to tell you
look forward to tomorrow
never look back,
regretful of what may have
slipped you by
along the way

The long road before you
may be steep
strewn with rocks & stone
along the way
We have never a doubt
you have in you
the strength, patience
& perseverance
you need to reach
your highest aspirations.

And remember,
your parents have never
ever underestimated
what we have in you
your talent, your music,
your song
your habit of reading
the gentle strength you lend us
your ability to love
your compassion for the
lost & downtrodden
& your kind, considerate nature

I am often sorry
that we have expected
so much from you
far beyond your years
which, in all honesty
even we do not possess
For that we can
only say
we are sorry,
bear with us
my little one,
for you are one
incredible son!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Sans Inhibition

Life passes us by 
We breathe, we work 
We do all that we must 
But do we feel good 
Liberated perhaps 
Enough to enjoy our actions 

Throw off the control, 
& bring in the candour 
that elusive purity 
that fervent luminosity 
which we have lost 
somewhere along the way 

Reawaken your dreams! 
Think, Express, Live, Love 
Let go of the all encompassing shyness 
Which takes away from 
what we can be, what we should be 
that which kills our self confidence 
& truly inhibits our progress. 

Come in Openness 
& begone closetted shuttered utterances 
We need to move on 
To be who we are In actuality. 
Not what others intend for us to be!

Take time to sniff the flowers

Take time off to sniff the flowers that you pass
along the way
For you never know when you may chance
to see them again,
resplendent & in all their glory
under the suns rays & out in the fields
So, give yourself the time you need
to help yourself grow
as this time just may never come back again

Take time off to read that book
that you tucked away in the book shelf
a long, long time ago
for the greatest secrets lie in there
just waiting to be unveiled
As life moves by, frantic as it may seem,
give yourself the the time you need
to help yourself grow
as this time just may never come back again

Take time off to discover the magic
Of mother nature which enfolds you
take time off to hold that puppy dog
that yelps and nibbles at your little toe
take time off to cuddle that little child
who begs for tender loving care
I urge you to therefore move over,
& give yourself the the time you need
to help yourself grow
as this time may never come back again.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Freedom, my way & Illness

Narrow viewpoints in supposedly modern minds, ever ready to criticize or condemn,
Poets denied freedom of expression, held guilty of transgressing the accepted path of insipid & unwholesome literature.
Measured sentences, right not wrong, white not black, uttered in controlled voices
Dare we breathe, live, love? Dare we rebel, revolt, break the shackles binding us?
Let go of the tried, tested, safe path, it will do nothing for us.
Find your freedom in intellectual expression - it will take us there, sans fear, sans guilt
So fear not mankind, live on - brave and unrestricted
We have the music of the winds, of our land, our waters-that’s all the backing we need to take us to reach greater heights!

A temporary stopover
In life's long journey
Ask me, I know
Give up?
think healing thoughts,
calming thoughts
learn to meditate
Strengthen your spirit
& always keep that 
peace in your soul.

You are here
as you were meant to be
tomorrow brings with it
the promise of 
new experiences
new realisations
dreary as it might seem
does bring with it
a promise
of a better tomorrow
for yourself
& the world around you!

Freedom as I know it

Freedom as I know it

I have a memory from my early childhood of what my father once told me; my father, a person whom I later acknowledged, as having played a very major role in my life, my opinions, my interpretations. He had made a simple and what might seem an irrelevant and disconnected reference. He said that my having been born on August 16th most definitely had to do with my independent nature, as it fell a day after India’s Independence! He actually feared for me, as I was the most outspoken and fiercely independent among his 3 daughter!
Yes. I am a woman who feels terribly restricted by the behavioral norms, controls and restrictions set by our ever forbidding society. India being the democratic country it is, we are entitled as our birthright, to the freedom to just be ourselves without being labeled audacious, obnoxious or even ostentatious!?! Freedom of expression is a basic requirement of a growing society, and freedom most definitely does not mean living without any of life’s principles! It merely means being less contrived or hypocritical, and more genuine.
I truly believe that no decisions must be reached without hearing what might seem the most trivial of viewpoints! We need the freedom to feel the music and melody in the winds, in the land we live in, in the water that flows through our great land. Likewise, we need the freedom to fathom, decipher and interpret our thoughts, however revolutionary they may seem, without fearing divine retribution or reprisal from loved ones. We need to be true to ourselves.
Poets have been condemned for having dared to bare their souls, for they did not utter measured sentences nor tread the accepted path. Let us therefore break the shackles binding us, as in this restriction lies our doom.

A temporary stopover
In life's long journey
Ask me, I know
Give up?
think healing thoughts,
calming thoughts
learn to meditate
Strengthen your spirit
& always keep the 
peace in your soul.

You are here
as you were meant to be
tomorrow brings with it
the promise of 
new experiences
new realisations
dreary as it might seem
does bring with it
a promise
of a better tomorrow
for yourself
& the world around you!