Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Weather problems!

Pittsburgh Moments...
Pittsburgh Notes: (3)
Yet another ‘crazy weather’ day in Pittsburgh. Just yesterday it was a nice, warm, 20 degrees C or, as they say here 68 degrees F. And early this morning it was cold - just 6 degrees C (44 deg Farenheit )!! I remember the fluctuation in temperature was the same in April/May this year & last year, when we were here! Tell me this is not a new happening and but don’t give me that one on natural calamities & weather tantrums being caused due to global warming, ozone depletion, environmental freak outs or forest fires cos I ain’t gonna buy that! Whatever,am not prepared to listen.This is positively wierd. 0 degrees one minute and the next minute a freaking 15 degrees - & yes I am talking Centigrade this time-& no,no conversion again, do it yourself buddy! :)))
But then again, I wonder why am I complaining. I love the cold. And as long it does'nt get the miserably hot 35 degrees (yes Centigrade!) it was the Saturday before last, its fine with me. But then if it gets sub zero, I would have to worry about my reumatoid arthritis flaring up. Lets worry about it then , right? Yes. Lets take each minute for what its worth-hot or cold! Lifes pretty much like that anyway!
Watched Baseball last Saturday at the PMC Park , Florida Marlins vs Pittsburgh Pirates, PMC Park- okay, okay Pittsburgh lost, but then Baseball is a new game for one such as I & hence an experience. No hard feelings! Attatched are some random pictures. Enjoy. Do note the sleeveless t-shirt which turned into a leather jacket in a matter of hours! - Friday, 16th Sept ’11

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